Making rides safer

Safety is a Yandex Go priority. We are constantly improving our standards of quality and developing technologies that prevent dangerous situations on the road.

Ride basics during the coronavirus pandemic
Maintain social distancing in the car by sitting in the back seat diagonally from the driver. Avoid touching things, especially your face. Pay by card because paper money and coins can carry harmful bacteria and viruses. After the ride, always wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
What we're doing to fight
Educating our drivers on virus symptoms and protective measures. Sending routine notifications to clean and air out car interiors after every sixth ride. Opened vehicle disinfection locations. Launched a partner financial support program for drivers diagnosed with COVID-19 or stuck in quarantine. Read more about the program here.
Speed warning
The monitoring system calculates the driver’s speed, and GPS determines the route they travel. Then it marks speed limit data on a map and compares it against the driver’s speed. If the driver regularly exceeds the speed limit by 20 km/h or more, he receives a warning. If the driver continues to speed after several warnings, the algorithm blocks him from getting new orders.
Driving style analytics
The monitoring system processes data from the accelerometer and gyroscope of the driver’s mobile device. It identifies sharp braking, acceleration, and turns. If the system regularly notices sloppy driving, it sends a warning to the driver asking him to be more careful. Those who ignore warnings may be denied access to the service.
Quick response to accidents
The system understands when a vehicle stops abruptly and doesn't continue moving. It's a signal that there may have been an accident. We check what happened with the passenger. If you need help, you can call 112 directly from the app and notify your emergency contacts. We will send them a text with the location of the taxi and tell them to get in touch with you. If everything is okay, you can request a new ride right away without waiting for the police. Our support team will return your money for the incomplete ride.
Bank card payment security
Bank card payment security at Yandex Go complies with the international PCI DSS standard (developed by global payment systems including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and others). The AES-256 algorithm is used for data encryption.
Insured rides
Every driver and passenger is insured up to 2,000,000 ₽ during rides. The insurance is valid from the moment the driver taps the «On the way» button, and is inactive once the trip is closed. There can’t be more insured passengers than there are seats in the car. You don’t need to buy additional insurance.
Parcel and cargo insurance
Parcels and cargo transported in the Delivery, Courier and Cargo service classes are insured up to ₽ 500,000. The insurance is effective from the arrival of the driver or courier to pick up the parcel until it is delivered. Insurance may pay out for parcel damage or loss. The insurance does not cover art, glass and porcelain products without special packaging, and a number of other items, the list of which is available here. The insurance is free.

Phone number encryption

We care about the confidentiality of personal data, so we hide the passenger’s phone number from the driver and the driver’s number from the passenger.*
Drivers in Kids service class
Special requirements for drivers working in the Kids service class: high scores, more than five years driving experience, and no bad reviews. These drivers also know how to properly secure a child safety seat, and have passed a special training course developed in collaboration with psychologists from the Institute of Preschool Education and Parenting. They are taught how to behave if the child cries or is fitful.
Child safety seats
in Kids service class
Each car in the Kids service class has a child safety seat and booster for children aged 9 months to 12 years. Every model of safety seat successfully passed the tests of ADAC, a European organization, and holds an ECE R44 international safety certificate.

Emergency contacts

Add emergency contacts directly from your phonebook. If something happens during the trip, their information will be on hand. You will be able to tap the «Ask them to contact me» button to automatically send a geolocation SMS to your loved ones.

Send your route to your loved ones

Friends and relatives can watch your movements in real time. They’ll also know the make and model of the vehicle, the driver’s name, and the time and place of arrival.

112 button

The app has a 112 button to contact emergency services. If you use this button, we’ll send a text to your emergency contacts (with your permission) asking them to contact you.

* Phone number encryption is currently available in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelybinsk, Omsk, Samara, Voronezh, and Krasnodar; Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Nizhegorodsk, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, and Voronoezh oblasts, as well as the Krasnodar area and the Republic of Tatarstan.

Tue Mar 23 2021 12:47:02 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)