
Fast ride requests

Enter your destination and see the fare and estimated route time upfront. Pay with cash or by card.

Request a ride with Yandex Go

App features

Ride price

You see the estimated ride price in advance even before requesting. The final price is shown after the ride ends

Save time with quick pickups—

Your ride arrives in a couple minutes

Cheaper nearby pickup points

The app shows places close by with lower fares

Easy route management

  • Add stops

    Change your route if you need to pick up your kids or a friend first

  • In-app driver chat

    If you need to tell the driver something but don't want to call — message them in the in-app chat

  • Track your driver

    Request a ride and track your driver in real time on the map


Simple ride control

Request rides for someone else
Request rides for someone else

For example, for your grandma if she doesn't have internet on her phone

Request multiple rides at once
Request multiple rides at once

Request up to three rides for you and your friends

Download the app

Point your camera at the QR code to download the app
